the customer Anyone who has purchased a product from P4M. 1- Partner: It is anyone who has an account with the company and has started the course, even if his sales balance is 0/0.
2- Stage 1: Each partner has completed the training sessions for Stage 1.
3- Stage 2: He each partner was Stage 1, then he has two partners 1/1, and he and his appliance who is Stage 3, apply and finish Stage 1, on his two new partners, and he has completed that, and he has two partners, Stage 1, Stage 1 / Stage 1. It must be in the START slide .
4- Stage 3: Each partner has at least $2,500 sales, and has applied and completed Stage 1 to the 4 partners of his partners, and now has two Stage 2 partners, one of whom is in the marketing team A, and the second in the marketing team B (On). How Much Should You Buy Randy gage's Training At Least Part 1 of BTV And he should have 3 direct reborns from his account on which he wants to rank, or from any second or third account in his name. It must be in the CHALLENGE slide Important note 1: The two accounts that are Stage 2 must be actual partners (people), and the second or third account of the same partner as Stage 2 does not count, if he has a leaders plan. Important Note 2: The applicant for the EARLY BIRDS award for the training level Stage 3 must have a balanced sales of 70/30% + the above conditions.
5- The Presenter : He is each partner who has at least $ 12500 sales, with a balance of 70/30%, and his account is in the RISE slide , and he has completed a field PC for his team with the help of his Upline, and he has two partners with the rank of Stage 3 in the marketing team A, and two partners with the rank of Stage 3 in the marketing team B (ON). ), and is ready to travel to serve his team within his country. And to have bought from BTV: Part 1 of Todd Falcone's training + Part 1 of Randy Gage's training + Part 1 of Matt Morris' training, at least. And he should have 6 direct reborns from his account on which he wants to rank, or from any second or third account in his name.
phoenix circle (PC) It must be at least 8 training sessions, at the rate of one training session per week, in the presence of 7 partners + 7 candidates as a minimum. What proves his residence for this PC.
6- IN-Service : He is each partner who has at least $60,000 sales with a balance of 70/30%, and has agreed to the honor code of the service rank, and has successfully organized a group training event, attended by 70 partners and above, and is ready to travel to serve his team outside his country, and he has two partners with the rank of Presenter in Marketing team A has two partners with the rank of Presenter in Marketing Team B (On), and its account is in the BEST slide . And to be bought from BTV: Todd Falcone's Complete Training + Randy Gage + Matt Morris . And that he has 12 direct reborns, from his account on which he wants to rank, or from any second or third account in his name. Note 1: A person who holds the rank of "IN-Service" is not entitled to use a private label for his team, before obtaining the approval of one of the Up lines with the rank of Coach exclusively. Note 2: The company must be required to open the purchase of event cards on which the promotion will be made through the site exclusively To ensure that the number of purchased cards corresponds to the possibility of the actual attendance of 70 partners, the company must be provided with the necessary.
Terms of acceptance of the Events:
2- The event must be physically and personally attended by 70 partners and above. Attendance is not accepted ONLINE. 3- The duration of the event should be a minimum of 6 hours in the absence of a group presntion , and 8 hours as a minimum in the event of a group presntion . 4- At least two partners with the rank of Presenter must participate in the training, and if one of them is not present because he is outside the country, for example, he must participate in the online training. 5- The event must be organized by the partner who will obtain the rank of the service. 6- There should be coverage of the training event through photos and videos. 7- The Interservice crew must be present to serve the partners in the event.
7- Pre-Leader: Each partner has at least $300,000 of sales with a balance of 70/30% in addition to two partners with the rank of in-service in the marketing team A and two partners with the rank of In-Service in the marketing team B (On), and he has at least a partner with the rank of Presenter outside his country, and he has traveled to another country to support his team, And calculate it in the PRO slide . And to be bought from BTV: Todd Falcone's Complete Training + Randy Gage + Matt Morris . And he should have 25 direct reborns from his account on which he wants to rank, or from any second or third account in his name.
8- Leader: Each partner has at least $1,500,000 sales with a balance of 70/30% in addition to two partners with the rank of Pre-Leader in the marketing team A and two partners with the rank of Pre-Leader in the marketing team B (ON), and he has at least one partner with the rank of in-service in a country outside his country. At least by attending a training event for the company outside his country, and his account is in the VIP slide . And to be bought from BTV: Todd Falcone's Complete Training + Randy Gage + Matt Morris . And that he has 50 direct reborns, from his account on which he wants to rank, or from any second or third account in his name.
9- Coach: Each partner has at least $7,150,000 sales with a balance of 70/30% in addition to two leaders in the marketing team A and two leaders in the marketing team B, and he has organized a continental training event for three countries for at least one time, and his account is in the VIP segment. And to be bought from BTV: Todd Falcone's Complete Training + Randy Gage + Matt Morris . And that he has 100 direct reborn system, from his account on which he wants to rank, or from any second or third account in his name.
10- The Grand Upline: He is the leader of the Phoenix training organization BAMBOO, and its CEO, MD MD: Managing Director
General Notes : 1- For any account to have any rank from Presenter and above, the account must be Reborn
Training organization: The Bamboo Organization is the overall training framework for these levels, responsible for developing, guiding, and supporting them, led by the MD commissioned by Phoenix. The website of the training organization is:
Update 1 on 28/01/2020: In the event that any partner becomes with a higher training level than his (whom he has referred), the first upline with a higher training level (similar or higher) becomes responsible for this partner and for his training, and this partner does not return to his old upline, Even if the old aplin has become the same training level that the partner has reached or even higher, and this training rule is applied to the training level Presenter and above, starting from the date of 05/16/2020.
Update 2 on 25/12/2020 Conditions for reducing training levels, and the duties entrusted to those who hold ranks from Printer to Coach to their minimum, and whose failure to adhere to them entails reducing the training level, every time the training duties are not adhered to, which are: